Thursday, June 17, 2010

i will revenge

I will revenge. Dont forget what it scholded u today after back from China.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A flawless begining, is the half of the success

I have something want to share at here today before I drag into the points.
I saw the mirages cover the roads outside Mansor Yesterday !!
The mirages is so amazing !
I think you feel astonished too when see so.
I saw the mirage 3 times in different roads in the afternoon !
I got high emotion when I saw a shoal of water beneath the on coming car !
When, we moved forward then the shoal of water was abated...
Got so high because Im the first time saw the mirage in super nearest distance from me in the car.

The nature is really AMAZING...

Instead, the fact now is, form 6 is not simple for me.
A week is passed..
But luckily, I already get back the spirit and passion to study!
no more abashed ! haha..
Im so happy and hope it can keeping on..
I really have to terminate my bad perspective which is
contribute the effort at the last moment!
Futhermore, I should create a gap between me and INDOLENT~

I trust in hearfelt that my STRIVING is meritorious!

Gambateh ! :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Finally,the lesson is started.
Im so grateful and enjoy to start flaping my books.

I think my confidence and passion in study had getting ABATE!
I am astonished. I can't believe why i can get a such good result in SPM.
I think is because what my teacher said today,
this is the "culture shock" that every student will have to face it when encounter to a new environment.

In the other hands, I think is because of I had stopped study about half year.
My memories was rusted!
Is this in my head but I don't know what to think!
OH my god'sh...I feel abashed now..
Is it my confidence I have before is just superficial ?
Is it fading ?
How can I boost my level up again ?
I really feel frustrated and abashed right now..

Hope sore STRIVING can help me improve as fast as possible. :\

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bad Day..

Today was the first day for me to enter class,6B2
Today was damn BORING..
no teacher, no study, no activities, being ignored by teachers.
scaring, frightening, anxious, afraid, shivering, lost self confidence even self esteem.
dissapointed, frustrated.

hope will be better soon. :(

Monday, May 17, 2010


So confusing whether to transfer school or not!!
Actually i insisted to not transfer school anymore last time..
But now, my heart is swinging.
My friends, bryan, xiao lu, and yao keep advising me that to transfer to Stpaul.
This is because either in equiments, facility, cocuriculum, prospect, environment or other fields are more expert if compare to Datuk Mansor.

But , fortunately.
I had made the decision.
My senior's advisement had directed me.
NOPE. I will not transfer.
Form 6 is not simple, but it more depending on one's attitude in study.
Everywhere is the same, the VITAL is STUDIOUS.
Futher more, I can be more concentrate in my study.
This is because the accomodation, houseworks, the diets are fucking annoying !
I better spend the time for those matter in study.

That's all for today.
And Hope I can keep hardworking and seeking the lores by my studious spirit!